Maxxy Rainbow featured on BBC Northwest in Liverpool


From Verka Serduchka to Sasha Velour: How Eurovision and drag culture became one and the same

Pink News

“Lordi – their costumes are insane,” says 24-year-old Eurovision vlogger and drag artist Maxxy Rainbow. “Mr Lordi is the frontman of the group and he makes all those prosthetics and costumes. That’s so drag, being able to do all those things yourself – be the musician, be the artist, be the singer, and be the costume designer. That is drag, 100 per cent.”


Drag queen became Eurovision superfan after ‘falling down black hole’

Liverpool Echo

“An American drag queen became a Eurovision Song Contest superfan after falling down a “black hole". Every year for the last five, Maxxy Rainbow has been covering the competition for his YouTube channel and this year is no different. The 23-year-old performer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is mostly known for his reaction videos where he gives his thoughts on individual entries…”


Garsi „drag“ karalienė įvertino Monikos Linkytės eurovizinę dainą: prisiminė konfliktą su Vaidu Baumila, išskyrė „Čiūto tūto“ privalumus 

Delfi Lithuania

“Vis daugiau „Eurovizijos“ gerbėjų atkreipia dėmesį į Lietuvai šiemet atstovausiančios Monikos Linkytės pasirodymą. Jį jau spėjo įvertinti ne tik užsienio žiūrovai, bet ir „Drag“ karalienė Maxxy Rainbow. Tiesa, vaizdo įraše, kuris publikuotas „Youtube“ platformoje ji ne tik išgyrė M. Linkytės dainą, bet ir prisiminė jos bei Vaido Baumilos pasirodymą 2015-aisiais.”


Maxxy Rainbow featured in “Red Elk” by Jordan Pastor

Purchase Red Elk on Amazon HERE


Maxxy Rainbow on "Melodi Grand Prix 2019"

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Eurovision and the Impact of its Cancellation

World Wide Wave

“Something was missing last weekend from our television screens that has been held without interruption for 65 years, until this year. For the first time in its history, the Eurovision Song Contest was cancelled. It had been…”


Eurovision: Bilal Hassani et sa chanson «Roi» vus de l'étranger

20 Minutes France

Réaction de la drag-queen Maxxy Rainbow : « Je me retrouve beaucoup dans Bilal. Je comprends que des gens trouvent qu’il n’y a pas autant d’émotions dans « Roi » que dans d’autres chansons, mais pour moi…”

Maxxy Rainbow on "Vidbir 2019"


Ís­lenskir júró­nördar tala varla um annað en Hatara


“Íslenskir aðdáendur Eurovision tala varla um annað en framlag hljómsveitarinnar Hatara og þó flestir séu gífurlega jákvæðir eru aðrir með efasemdir um lagið en enhverjir eru komnir með hugann alla leið í…”


Conan Osiris: “Posso ser maluco, mas não estou sozinho”

Jornal de Notícias

“…ao passo que a conhecida "drag queen" Maxxy Rainbow considera a música de Conan "negra, misteriosa, envolvente, única e de outro Mundo" pelo que "seria uma incrível escolha". O portal Jen"s place, também…”


Maxxy Rainbow featured on NRK Facebook


«Америка влюбится в тебя»: как зарубежные зрители отреагировали на выступление Данэлии Тулешовой в США


“«Когда я увидела этот анонс, то закричала. Дорогая, не могу дождаться, чтобы увидеть тебя. Удачи», - подписала пользовательница Maxxy Rainbow.”



World Wide Wave

“Saturday night is the night so many people have been looking forward to. It’s everyone’s chance to share their views, pass judgement and vote. Is it the Federal election? NOOO!!!. We’re talking Eurovision 2019 in Israel…”


Eurovision Junior : La chanson de la française Carla vue de l’étranger

20 Minutes France

“Carla « peut gagner » estime Maxxy Rainbow, une drag-queen britannique qui réagit et analyse chaque prestation de l’Eurovision et de l’Eurovision Junior sur sa chaîne YouTube. « Si elle peut amener sur…”


Eurovision Song Contest fan 'on another level' after securing tickets

Liverpool Echo

“American drag queen Maxxy Rainbow, who has a YouTube channel dedicated to Eurovision content, was in a similar situation to Karl. The 23-year-old performer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania still plans on travelling to the city in May to enjoy the likes of EuroVillage - the official fan zone - but is still “gutted”.”


Duncan Laurence - Arcade [Reaction Compilation]


Útlendingar að missa sig á YouTube yfir Hatara – Sjáðu myndböndin – „Meistaraverkið frá Íslandi!“

DV - Frjáls og óháður miðill

“Hnífsstungur Matthíasar: Dragdrottningin Maxxy Rainbow segir rödd Matthíasar vera eins og hnífsstungur. Kórusinn vegur þægilega á móti heiftinni að mati Maxxy, sem almennt telur þetta vera með því djarfasta…”


Transvestita komentuje výkon české kapely v Eurovizi. No to jsou emoce!

Sputnik News

“Uživatel Youtube jménem Maxxy Rainbow ESC zaujímá pozici transvestity a zaznamenává své reakce na výkony týmů, které byly vybrány do soutěže Eurovision Song Contest v roce 2019….”

Maxxy Rainbow and Junior Eurovision

Maxxy Rainbow and Junior Eurovision - Nul Points

Nul Points: A Eurovision Fan Podcast

Laura and Martyn are joined by US drag queen and Eurovision YouTuber Maxxy Rainbow to talk about this year's Junior Eurovision on Sunday. There's also news of an award nomination for Will Ferrell's Eurovision film…


Eurovision-nördarnir missa sig yfir búningnum hennar Svölu: „Svala er tilbún að slátra þessu!“


Sumir velta fyrir sér aldri Svölu og hreinlega trúa ekki að hún sé ekki tvítug á meðan aðrir fullyrða að hún eigi skilið að komast áfram. Notandinn Maxxy Rainbow segist vera gríðarlega spennt: „Þetta er geggjað lúkk og…


Reakcje zagranicznych mediów na „Pali się (Fire of love)” – część 1

“Maxxy Rainbow ESC: Wow, wyglądają pięknie! Wstawki etniczne są bardzo interesujące. Jak wiecie, uwielbiam język polski – co mogliście zauważyć w moich poprzednich recenzjach polskich występów. Nie…”


Óborganleg viðbrögð Eurovision spekinga við fyrstu hlustun á Hatara


“Mörg þúsund Eurovision-spekingar eru til á YouTube og birtast reglulega myndbönd frá þeim um lögin sem taka þátt í keppninni á ári hverju.
Hatrið mun sigra verður framlag Íslands í keppninni í Tel Aviv og flytur…”


„Плачам кога ја слушам „Proud“: Горди на Тамара и Македонија – фанови од цела Европа импресионирани од нашата песна

“„Proud“, наиде на доста позитивни реакции, но и негативни, претежно од домашната јавност која како по правило секоја година не останува рамнодушна да каже што не чини….”


Internationale reacties op Duncans Arcade: ‘Supermooie vocalen én prachtige billen’

Algemeen Dagblad

“Eurovisie Songfestival-deelnemer Duncan Laurence (24) wordt door internationale bookmakers al ruim twee weken getipt als winnaar van het liedjesfestijn, in mei in de Israëlische stad Tel Aviv. Zijn intieme…”

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“No to lecimy! Chwila, czy to jest tekst piosenki w tle? Czy to jakiś karaoke show? Ona ma bardzo interesujący wokal i w ogóle jest bardzo piękna. Brzmi to bardzo orkiestrowo, podoba mi się! Świetny wokal, a sama…”


Bilal Hassani and his song "King" seen from abroad


“Drag Queen Maxxy Raibow: "I find a lot in Bilal, I understand that people realize that there are not as many emotions in King as in other songs, but for me it's very inspiring and moving, someone like me on this one We…”


Ново име, нова среќа за Северна Македонија - Како реагира светот на евровизиската песна на Тамара?

„Македонија оваа година има ново име, Северна Македонија и нова среќа за нив на Евровизија. Тоа е толку возбудливо. Биди силна, биди гласна и не дозволувај луѓето да те скршат“.


#IRELAND – MAXXY RAINBOW reviews Sarah McTernan’s song ’22’!

Eurovision Ireland

“Recently, a new YouTube name is on everyone’s lips when it comes to Eurovision song reviews. That name is Maxxy Rainbow, the young drag queen from Pittsburgh, USA that has a passion for the Eurovision Song…”


Eurovisie Song

“De meest bijzondere reviews op YouTube van de inzending van Duncan Laurence voor Nederland:”


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